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New Name. New Site.

Hello there,

I told myself once I hit one year in business, I would rebrand. Take myself and my business 100% more seriously. Well that’s what I’ve done. But it has taken me, 4 or so months to get this site off the ground! My goal with the rebranding is to really nail down my niche and what I want to focus on in the future. I am also changing up how I take on new clients. Only a select number at a time. In the past, I took whatever was given to me, but now that I am growing, I will only be taking one or two sites at a time. So I can offer my clients more dedication with my time and my brain. Working on new websites can be creatively fulfilling and a bit draining. So I can only give them a few hours a day, so I don’t get burnt out.

What to look for around here:

  • I will be offering tutorials, reviews and resources.

  • Look for more personal blog posts.

  • And I’ll be preparing and selling some courses too!

Thanks for looking around!

- Lindz